Hal Turner, Zeitgeist, What is the Amero.
Who is Hal Turner, what is Zeitgeist, Is the Amero real?
A family member sent me this video to look at and asked what I thought about the Amero.
Here is my response and I thought it would useful and applicable to anyone who is being influenced:
I think that the question is what do you think about it? The reason I bounce the question back is because this has a bit of flavor from the Zeitgeist, well at least the Zeitgeist movement. As for the other forms of Zeitgeist, I believe that they are true and earnest. I refer to organizations and people that use the meaning of the word in speaking about the current state and baseline of corporate and social morals, beliefs and values. This is good as they are trying to build awareness and move along forward thinking. Unlike " Zeitgeist?, ?Scientology?, ?Anonymous?, etc.
I wanted to be able to provide an informed opinion. I did not know anything about this guy Hal Turner and the little bit of information that I have found out about him is that he is a poorly informed individual that is simply propagating himself with propaganda that is extreme and controversial. The Internet is packed full of "Campaigns" and often times it has an affect on those of us who are vulnerable, "for the moment". It is extremely easy to capture an audience in times of unrest and build upon the chaos of chaos. Much of his Campaign has appeared to back fire. The mass has spoken and most of America and the World know the results of his type of thinking and have done well to soften his voice. But the fact of the matter is that he has and will always have a nitch, a "minority" following of people. I cannot imagine that people of the world and America have forgotten so much in less than a century!
There really is not much more on the financial topics that he speaks of "directly" involving Hal Turner. There is a ton of information regarding his racist and white supremist attitude. So, as with any news source and piece of news; the beholder of the information must use all that they have acquired in knowledge and understanding to make an opinion of his/her own. In my own case, the experience I have gained by researching and listening to Hal Turner says to me that the credibility of this type of individual is in question. And when something is in question, it is best to move on. There are a great deal of other things you can do and read.
I have put some thought into the financial crisis, 911, the war on the middle east, Katrina, homeland security, etc. etc. and, I have determined that it is easy for anyone to try and put a face upon our detriment and call it/them zionists, supremist, they, rockafellers, illuminati, etc. etc. are the cause of our misery. I cannot believe it is so, the pure fact of all of this is Greed. And the American dollar is in the pockets of far too many, it is so deeply embedded into so many systems that a collapse is not in the interest of the world. The fact that the world standing behind the current financial system speaks to this. The fact that the housing crisis and the depreciation of assets backed by paper, CDO, MBS, Derivatives, etc have impacted the worlds financial system in measures that they are unable to comprehend, speaks to how valuable the dollar is and what a compounding impact it has on the world.
I do not deny that there are allot of strange and unanswered things happening in the world today, and that at times I think how could this be? How could we/they not know? But I am but a little fish swimming in an ocean trying not to get eaten by the bigger fish.
I believe that demand for currency will continue and will continue to rise in value. I believe that AmeriCANs will continue to do what they do best and I believe that the rest of the world will follow. I believe, I believe, I believe I am Alice in Wonderland.
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